We're getting greener with electronic instruction manuals

We're getting greener with electronic instruction manuals

As part of our commitment to continuously improving our processes, from May 2024 we will be phasing out the printed instruction manuals currently packaged with our dual controls and moving to an online system.


What will be changing?

In short: we will no longer print out instructions and including them in the box with every set of dual controls. Instead, anybody purchasing a set of dual controls will be able to download a copy of the instructions from this link.

There will also be QR codes printed on all dual control boxes which can be scanned from a mobile.


Why are we doing this?

There are three big advantages to this change:

Reducing waste
We currently send out over 60,000 pages of instructions a year, which is a lot of paper and ink. As part of our ISO accreditation in environmental management we’re constantly looking at ways to reduce wasted materials on site, and follow a number of manufacturers in moving to downloadable rather than disposable manuals.
 Absorbing costs
We’ve successfully managed to keep over 90% of our dual control range at the same prices since March 2023 and are doing our best to continue that. However, material and energy costs have increased for us just as they have for everybody else. Waste reduction measures like this allow us to absorb those increases rather than passing them on to you.
 Improved instructions
At the moment, once a box leaves us, the instructions packed inside are final. An electronic system allows us to quickly update manuals, for example where we encounter a new design variant that requires a slightly different approach. This should mean fitters will have the most up to date information possible when they come to fitting a control, even if it’s been sat on the shelf for a while.

When is this happening?

We will stop printing manuals onsite in May 2024 but our existing stock has all been packaged with paper copies, so the transition for customers will be gradual over the summer months.


I have a problem downloading the instructions - what do I do?

Please contact us. We know that there will be some tweaks needed in the first few months, like any new system, but we will do our best to help.